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People, Organization and Technology

Our mission

At Art-of-Inspiration our mission is to bridge the gap between People & Technology and Organization & Technology. This in order to maximize the resilience  and agility of both people and organizations.

To achieve our mission we focus on following 3 Strategic Pillars: Change, Learn and Inspire.


We believe that people are at the center and thé driving force behind Digital Transformations. Our goal is to support them in every step of their digital journey.

Next to this we also focus on the agility and resilience of organizations. Helping them adopt new technologies and positioning them in a strategic way.

Our services

Our services arise from our Strategic Pillars 'Change, Learn & Inspire'

Thanks to our strategic 'Change' pillar we help you embed change agility into your organization. Our 'Learn' pillar will train your people so that they learn based on real life business cases. Helping them grow in their own talents & attaining the right consultancy skills. We focus on the dimensions technology, people & business. 

Finally, we inspire you on state-of-the-art Microsoft technologies to prove their added value, building up your own Go-To-Market strategies and providing you a 24/7 (pre-)sales demo environment.

The Story of
The Chocolate Company

Walt Disney once said: "If you can dream it you can do it."

Imagine being immersed into a virtual business environment called 'The Chocolate Company'. A safe environment where you people can learn based on real life business cases.. Each business case consisting of a clear problem definition and a possible solution. A solution set based on combined Microsoft technologies ready to be showcased during pre-sales activities (MS Power Platform, MS Copilot, MS VIVA, MS Teams, Prosci methodology, softskills,...)

A 'seeing is believing' environment for orgnizations where state-of-the-art MS technologies can be experienced. This as a response to business problems and defining a clear Go-To-Market strategy. The Chocolate Company forms the basis for our strategic pillars Learn, Inspire and Change.

With pleasure we are happy to introduce  to you our Chocolate Company. A 24/7 online available sales & training SaaS environment.

Click here if you want to know more...

Some of our
Customer target groups


Learning organizations seeking to expand their offerings with more business oriented training or learning tracks.

Giving their end customers value through suited Go-To-Market strategies on technologies such as MS Power Platform, MS Copilot, MS VIVA & Change,...

Learning companies focusing on personal skilling and consultancy coaching of people.

A flavor of contextual learning, coaching and learning by doing.

Technology & transformation partners

Technology and/or transformation partners in the need of building extra opportunities on Microsoft technologies. Providing them value based Go-To-Market strategies.

Partners focusing on skilling and coaching of their people. The Chocolate comapny as a 'safe' learning environment where people can learn. Getting them quicker up-to-speed and deployable at end customers

Partners seeking for a shorter sales cycle by using our 24/7 online business environment.

Talent Sourcing companies

Talent sourcing companies seeking for ideal job candidates.

Our Chocolate Company learning environment helping them finding the right candidates and matching them with the right Organization Culture.

Talent sourcing companies willing to offer their candidates a qualitative in-between learning program where they learn the needed consultancy skills and where they are coached by experts in the field 

Our Services


We train, caoch and guide your people in their first steps into consultancy.


Thanks to our virtual business SaaS environment called 'The Chocolate Company', your people can grow in a safe environment. They learn new technologies & consultancy skills based on real life business cases. During this learning program we blend technology, business & change.

We can also offer you this learning & coaching program in the form of a Train-The-Trainer. We guide you upfront so you can provide the learning program by yourself.

We skill your workforce so that they achieve the right set of consultancy skills. As a result your people can be deployed faster at your end customers.

Once skilled, we can guide them further through real on-the-job coaching.


Curious about what new Microsoft technologies can do for your organization or bring as extra  business opportunities? 


We  provide you our virtual business environment so you can demo or showcase the added value internally or to your end customers. Starting from real life business cases and positioning technology more strategically.

Together we define your Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy or Digital Roadmap as your unique recipe.

Examples of applied Microsoft technologies: 

MS Power Platform, MS Copilot, MS VIVA, Dynamics 365, D365 Business Central,MS Teams...


Looking for a partner who can help you define a suited Go-To-Market (GTM) Change Strategy?

Looking for someone who can help you define and implement your Change strategy?

Our Change approach and framework is based on the proven and research based 

Prosci & ADKAR methodology

We apply a hands on, data driven and no-nonsense approach where we blend own insights with MS Copilot AI insights 

It’s all about connecting

What people & customers say about us...

"There is no person I know as passionate about his work as Frank. He is not only very skilled on the human aspect of his work, but also technically.


In the timeframe since I first met Frank, I worked together with him mentoring youngsters, saw him build amazing solutions to automate HR processes and to conclude, I can even say he became one of my close  friends.


Nothing but respect for Frank and the work he is doing."

Tim Hermie, Technical Specialist Microsoft 

"What particularly appeals to me about Frank is his drive and commitment to projects that matter.


Frank is also a warm, positive and pleasant person to work with. He knows how to inspire people and make them enthusiastic about his many creative and valuable ideas.


He has an eye for the bigger picture and the organization as a whole, as well as for the specific(collaborative) work(s) in the field. A long-term partner as far as I'm concerned. 🤩" 

Martine De Prijcker, Horizon-training

"Frank is an entrepreneur in heart and soul. He continues to take initiatives, looking critically at the past years in order to take actions in the future. It's like a personalized Machine Learning algorithm.


You are an eternal do-gooder for youth and upcoming young talent.


We will continue to meet each other in every new challenge you tackle. I'm curious about the next step. Good luck 💪🏼"

Ann Deraedt, Lector Howest


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